What We Do

Child Care Empowerment (CCE) is a Community Based Organization (CBO).

Child Care Empowerment (CCE) is a Community Based Organization (CBO) that works to empower marginalized people in the community.
The major focus of the organization is holistic child development through community empowerment in resource constrained communities.
Interventions undertaken since the organization’s inception in 2011 have focused on Education, Maternal and Child health, Livelihood, Child Protection, Child Nutrition, Water and Sanitation.
Currently Child Care Empowerment is operating in Jinja and Luuka district.

In the long walk to end poverty CCE has been identifying parties at an individual and organization level. CCE looks at partnering a core to strengthen its mode of implementing its activities and are much more in line with its partners.


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela.

Education Sponsorship
Every child has the right to access safe, quality education. Your generous support provides your student with the opportunity to learn, the supplies needed to attend school, and a daily lunch.

Early Childhood Development
(ECD Child Care Empowerment (CCE) Early Childhood Development (ECD) interventions seek to improve access to quality ECD services for vulnerable children aged 0-5 years. ECD-relate interventions will substantially contribute to improved access to ECD learning program 
among age eligible children in the supported communities.

Food, Clothing, Medical Supplies and School Materials

Child Care Empowerment delivers food and clothing, school supplies, and medicine as needed to the children! It is generous gifts from our supporters that enable us to make a real difference in our community and in the lives of our children who definitely need your support.

Thank you all for your sort of Child Care Empowerment. We couldn’t do this without you.

Agriculture: Farming and Crops

Child Care Empowerment have some farm animals and have planted crops, which will help with the feeding of the children, but also it teaches them ways to be self-sufficient.
At present, CCE has pigs and chickens and the crops. Things being grown are
Maize, beans, gnuts, sweet potatos, cassava and more.


We envision being able to purchase land to grow even more in the hopes of being self sufficient in the future.

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